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About Me

HEALTHY in MIND, BODY and SPIRIT….. ALL SOULS ARE ALREADY PERFECT……. Here it is… from the beginning of my life both my parents were involved in mysticism. My mother was a Rosicrucian and my father was part of another mystical school of thought. My grandmother a Native Amazonic Indian from Brazil; a shamanic healer in her own right and my grandfather a Celtic. I was a Rosicrucian Neophyte from nine years of age…. Learning many ways to heal ourselves and others, remote viewing, astral travelling, crystals etc etc in fact everything that has been called the “New Age Modalities” originated from the teachings of the Rosicrucian Order.

I always remember my parents and especially my mother’s conversations with other people; she was a woman of great intelligence and wisdom. Always positive and inspiring others to look at the positive side of life, she would not listen to any negative conversations and especially when people started talking about their dis-eases….. “what we think and speak we create it in our realities” she used to say.

I spent the last 14 years meditating several hours per day and at least 2.5 hours every single day. Attended meditation retreats in which lasted over a week – meditating 4 – 6 hours straight, all day and sometimes all night only stopping to take care of our bodily functions and hygiene.

I am a Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner, Theta Healing Practitioner however my healing technique is a combination of all the knowledge and experience I was born with and gained throughout my life and including my ancestors innate abilities.


Dear Sonia

I would like to say ThankYou Very Much for facilitating a healing for me. When I arrived I had a terrible migraine. Five days old and very upset, burning and aching sensations in my stomach and digestive problems. Something I had been putting up with for months and months thinking it was associated with my Celiac Disorder, even though I had used many other healing modalities before, with no relief or any positive results.

I went with an open mind but not really expecting any relief. The session with you felt very relaxing and I experienced a huge release from the head pain and stomach upset. I was very amazed within that hour and you brought to my attention many inappropriate thoughts which coincided with the pain / dis ease which stood to keep me ill and if I continued that way I’d be creating more sickness.

What truly amazed me was the last session I had with you, as you saw a vision of me with a broken heart in pieces everywhere and no trust left in me. But within ½ hour of the session a lovely man started a conversation with me at a car washing place and he asked for my phone number…. he sent me a text straight after we parted and then called and asked me on a date and we met 2 days later and he turned up with a beautiful rose. Three months later we are still together. I am so not attached to any outcome. I feel free. So truly wonderful. I would most certainly recommend this Whisperer to anyone who wants positive changes in their health, mind and heart.

Thank you again beautiful Energy Whisperer, you’re God Sent!  And all sessions have been so worth it!


Kingscliffe NSW

Good Morning Sonia,

So great to talk to you on Monday via the skype session and yes, I have a few layers to peel that is for sure.  I am interested about the topic which you mentioned in regards to my heart being broken when I was a child as there is something about that, that is of interest to me.  Not sure though exactly what it was – just gathering information the older I get and some things are becoming apparent.  Anyway, it would explain a lot! I will book in another session with you over the next few weeks before Christmas to explore this in more detail as you suggested.

After the healing session I did feel a lot lighter.  Like I am beginning to find ways to help myself and with you being an integral part of that.  You have no idea how much strength you have given me.

Now, I had my interview yesterday with ECU.  I felt like I went well.  I walked in feeling so clear in the head it was ridiculous and brilliant!  I know that they liked me, I could feel that… I now know what I want and I will be working hard to get a job like this one if I am not successful.  Thank you so much and also thank you for being so supportive.
I will keep you posted on the outcome and we will talk again in the next few weeks. 

I give you full permission to use this email as a testimonial for your website.

Have a great day,

Belinda Rodgers

Perth WA (November 2014)

Hi again Sonia

After our session, I decided to stop letting myself lose sleep over things and I felt stronger being employed full time (a person with ‘powers’ if you will).  Anyway, I couldn’t even explain it to you, but my husband has changed and is different in a good way.  So much that I don’t understand it.  I hope you don’t mind me writing this to you, but I often think of you as a catalyst for this change.

Please feel free to add the above to your website as a testimonial on my behalf.
Kindest Regards,

Belinda Rogers

(November 2015)

Dear Sonia it’s a pleasure to write this testimonial as follows:

I wasn’t performing at my best and was lacking motivation and direction. Much of my life was a bit sluggish when I went to Sonia.  Profound and deep healing has taken place in me over the last month or so due to the phenomenal healing power of Sonia and Gail. I am now sleeping better, making more money and generally getting through the day better.  I feel great and my body has a youthful glow to it too. I am truly grateful for Sonia’s and Gail’s magical healing. I certainly would highly recommend a few sessions with these amazing ladies if you are interested in letting go of a lot of your heaviness and patterns of disharmony very easily as I have experienced. After the healings my body has restructured to a harmonious balance where I know I am happier, joyful and feel very light inside. My life and living now is filled with more possibilities and choice. This was all done without my physical presence which is amazing.

Thank you so much ladies.


(January 2016)